"Prologue-Dark Dreams"

May 21, 2009 22:29

Fandom: ---Primeval---
Characters: Danny Quinn and Rayne
Story: "Paid in Blood: Prologue-Dark Dreams" (Part 1/1)
Rating: T
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Theme music: "Neverland (Piano Variation in Blue)" by Jan A.P. Kraczmarek from "Finding Neverland"
Author's Note: After writing this I actually decided to scrap it from my actual story on account of it being too long and I don't think many people would want to read this part.
P/L: Rayne awakens in Danny Quinn's arms and tries to comfort him in one of his nightmares.

“How is it that you manage to wake up before me every single morning?”

Rayne smirked a little and rubbed her cheek against Danny’s shoulder. “When out in the field my typical reveille is near oh-four-hundred hours.” She pressed the flat of her palm against his chest and gently began to massage him. “Do you really need to ask this?”

Chuckling softly, Danny wrapped his arm around Rayne and shifted his gaze over to her. “No, I suppose not. Have you been awake long?”

“Long enough,” Rayne replied softly. She took her hand to his cheek where she gently began to trace her fingers along his skin and into his hair. “You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t bear to wake you up.” She peered at him curiously, asking quietly, “What was chasing you in your dream? Can you remember?”

For a moment Danny said nothing, his gaze going to the ceiling. He had tried so hard to keep his mind clear and to think on nothing as he drifted off to sleep. But there was only so much control one had over one’s dreams. Where could he begin though? How could he try to make sense of a dream that defied all sense of decent logic?

“Was it the g-rex again?” Rayne inquired as she wove her fingers through the soft mess that was Danny’s hair.

“It was,” came his short response. This affected a soft, understanding sigh from Rayne though she said nothing else, thus allowing Danny a moment to try and breathe again. What a frighteningly clear dream this had been! Inhaling meekly, Danny stated, “Paula, this time it spoke.”

“Oh?” Rayne continued to twirl some of Danny’s fringe between her fingers though her gaze was now on him. “Stranger things have happened… do you recall what it said?”

“I can’t be certain what language it was, but it certainly wasn’t English.” Danny rolled onto his side, his arm still loosely around Rayne and his eyes distant. Though Rayne had never ceased her display of tender affection it did nothing to soothe his nerves. “It said, ‘Optuženi ste ubojstvo.’ It sounded like something I had heard when I was in Bosnia.”

Rayne’s heart nearly skipped a bit at the words and she ceased messing with his hair. “Ubojstvo… you have been charged with murder.” She could hardly believe the translation. Stroking his cheek, Rayne whispered, “Danny, that’s Croatian! What is going on in your dreams?”

“I wish I knew,” Danny replied quietly though he knew that the hellish nightmares revolved around the many incidents that occurred while he was in Bosnia years ago. The voice reminded him of the one civilian who had cried out to him before the execution. Sure Danny might not have personally given the weapons over to the warlord but turning his back to it was as deadly as pulling the trigger himself.

“Don’t worry, we’ll sort this out for you.” Rayne’s voice filtered through the crimson-stained shadows of Danny’s thoughts. Slowly he opened his eyes, not realizing that he had squeezed them shut only moments before. He could feel the warmness of Rayne’s palm gliding gently over his cheek and let out a tired sigh.

“I think the only way for this to end is if I confront Eli myself,” said Danny half-heartedly. “That way then no one else will get hurt. I jeopardized the anomaly project by asking for Nick’s help in getting Pod back. And when Eli took the eggs, this whole thing with the anomalies almost became public. We were so close to losing the secrecy.”

“Danny you need the team,” Rayne interjected, her hand resting against his cheek. “Don’t be an idiot like me and try to do this on your own. You need them just as they need you. And besides, Eli and his men haven’t tried to get at Pod or any of the babies for nearly two months. You can’t spend the time worrying about something you can’t control. Plan for the contingencies but do not let yourself stress over this. You’ll never be able to get any decent rest at this rate.”

“If anything ever happened to them, Connor, Abby, it would be my fault.” Danny heaved another frustrated sigh and shut his eyes. “In a way I keep hoping that an anomaly for Pod’s world would open so that I can get them back and then everyone would be safe. But, part of me just--”

“You’d miss them,” Rayne concluded, smiling understandingly at him. Pushing his hair to the side, Rayne placed a gentle kiss to his temple before continuing, “Danny there is only so much you can do to keep the ones you love safe. Everything else, well, it just happens. You can only do your best to be prepared.”

“Please don’t go. Stay here,” Danny pleaded softly. He pulled Rayne close so that their foreheads were just touching.

“You know I can’t stay. My team needs me in Bosnia as I am the most fluent speaker of Bosnian and Arabic.” She rubbed his cheek affectionately and kissed his nose. “You know I want to stay. But we both have our roles to play and people are depending on us. Besides, while I am there I can check around and find out some things about your Eli Strong. I’m sure there will be traces of him in Bosnia.” Rayne flipped back Danny’s fringe and kissed his nose once more. “I’m going to help you with this. You don’t have to fight him alone.”

Danny caught Rayne’s chin in his hand and kissed her lips softly. “Thank you Paula. Just knowing that you aren’t sore at me for all this helps.”

“Sore?” Rayne chuckled lightly, taking the back of her fingers and gliding them along his sideburn, “How can I stay angry at you for long? We all have our secrets from the past and as a soldier, believe me, I can understand how some of the things we witnessed needs to stay within. We’ve seen things that no one else can begin to imagine. I don’t blame you at all for your secrets. I just hope that next time something happens you will have the sense to call on your team for help.”

“Definitely noted,” smirked Danny.

“Good,” Rayne replied approvingly. “Because if you don’t and wind up in trouble I’m personally flying back to kick your butt.” ♥


primeval: paid in blood, primeval

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