Okay, so I am guessing that I have plateaued on my weight loss lately. I can't get below 200. I am stuck at about 202.
So I guess that I will have to take a look at my diet and plan things out better. Get rid of sugar rich juices and have a lighter dinner. I've been keeping up with cardio, have even taken to running in the snow. I do not like running in the cold. I am all "Huff huff huff...Wheeze" . Plus sweat and cold air isn't fun. Not at all. Good news is that I have entered the medium sizes. I cannot recall the last time I wore medium clothing. Ma waist size is down to a 34. That is like 5 inches off since August. It's an encouraging feeling.
Anyway, here is a pic of me being the hot bastard I am. What's that noise... oh, I think it's my confidence coming back(finally). XD
Now, I don't mean to brag... Who am I kidding? Damn I look good in a dress shirt. XD
Still, gonna have to fill out that chest and deltoids more.