For l42

Jan 06, 2006 09:04

Tagged and created by

About You
Preferred name: I've never really had a nickname
Preferred location: With those I love
Defining age: Yet to be determined, but it could be right now.

Be Honest
Name: Most of you know this
Location: A gray cubicle on the fourth floor of a building near lizalou42's home.
Age: 25

Define Yourself
What's true: My love for those close to me
What's misrepresented: My selfishness
#1 goal in life: To be me. First, I've got to figure out who me is.
Habits: Watching "Good Morning America" while I eat breakfast, biting my cuticles, twirling my hair, leaving the frig open while I pour my milk, humming or making some other weird noise to block out thoughts that I don't want running through my head, cuddling something close to me when I sleep, talking before thinking, saving the best bite of food for the last (for example, I eat pb&j sandwiches in circles starting with the crust and working my way around until I reach the last delicious bite in the center).

Things You Did, Good and Bad
As a toddler: Counting aloud to my parents; wearing socks with shoes (the socks would bunch and fold when my mom put my shoes on--drove me nuts)
In elementary school: school work; understanding, getting along with, and being accepted by the other kids
In middle/high school: school work; understanding, getting along with, and being accepted by the other kids
In college: living away from my parents; not taking advantage of all that was before me

Things You Do
Read: lots and lots. Right now most books I read are for my book club or manga that lizalou42 or yellowdancer21 pass to me. Latest reads: Hot Gimmick, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dune, Ishmael, Johonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, xxxHOLiC. Up next: The Story of B, Lolita, Hot Gimmick. All-time favorites: The Little House series, anything by Jane Austen, the Griffin and Sabine series by Nick Bantock, Harry Potter...
Watch: lots and lots. Right now on TV: Lost, Alias, Project Runway, Gilmore Girls, and lots of other random shows and I started watching the first season of Carnivale last night. Past favorites: Pride and Prejudice (A&E miniseries), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Trading Spaces, The Apprentice, Witch Hunter Robin, Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Farscape, Twin Peaks, ER, Dr. Seuss, Full  House, Bewitched, The New Mickey Mouse Club, Flying House and Superbook (old-school, Christian anime). Movies: Amilie, City of the Lost Children, Monsters Inc., Nine Dead Gay Guys, Best in Show, White Christmas, Home Alone, Care Bear movies...
Sports: Um, not really. I used to love to watch ice skating and some gymnastics. Soccer is fine; the guys are usually pretty good looking. I'd love to learn curling. I watch a bit of football with my grandma and boyfriend and a bit of KU basketball.
Write: my thoughts, bits of stories, rewriting other's work,
See: right now? My computer, a big cup of water at my right, a magazine imposition (an overview of all of a magazine's pages and where the ads and editorial will go), Christmas lights that I haven't taken down yet, a can of Fresca (today is free pop Friday!), two very funny Get Fuzzy and one Garfield comic strips on my bulletin board, the tail end of one of my plants hiding behind my imposition, and lots and lots of papers
Hear: the clickty clack of people typing on keyboards and remnants of a conversation in an office down the hall--oh, the girl sitting next to me just giggled.
Love: those close to me, security, pattern, routine, photos, editing/reworking/correcting/improving someone else's work, watching TV with friends, Dove ice cream, BBQ, pizza, food, chocolate, my toes, and a few other things that I'll keep to myself.

Things You Don't
Read: Romance novels, biographies, mass emails
Watch: CSI, shows with lots of blood, Beauty and the Geek, horror movies, really stupid comedies, Dancer in the Dark because Big-Bold-D said it would be too depressing for me,
Sports: most of them.
Write: I don't know of anything that I don't or wouldn't write.
See: lizalou for a whole year! countingpigs in S'pore, what makes others tick, my favorite slippers, my future, real pain or suffering
Hear: My ears are pretty sensitive to noise, so this one is hard. What is said when I'm not present, the tree falling in the woods with no one to hear. Did it make a sound?
Love: feeling overwhelmed or helpless, abuse, manipulation, lies, hate, ignorance

Favorites (Ha ha! Just because I said "I wanna know more..." doesn't mean I won't ask.)
Place(s) to be: with those I love, traveling in foreign countries, the park, near water, my bed
Thing(s) to do: something with those I love, reading, writing, editing, walking in the park, blowing bubbles, taking pictures, watching tv.
Person(s) to be with: my boyfriend, my roomie, my dear friends, my family, someone who makes me think in a new way, someone who compliments me, someone who complements me, someone who motivates me...

One Thing You Always
Wear: my hair long
Spell wrong: accidentally, calendar, completely, definitely
Say wrong: foreign words, medical terms
Complain about: most things
Compliment on: not enough
Wanted and don't have: more vacation time
Wanted and have: love and my ipod nano
Promise and don't do: to remember
Promise and do: to always be there when I'm needed
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