
Jul 28, 2010 18:37

I have a nice deep bath waiting for me with jasmine oil in it. It is meant to aid restful sleep if you believe what it says on the bottle but I am just aiming for a nice long soak in nice smelling water.

I have been cocooning somewhat for a while now and I apologise. I just seem to drift towards the antisocial when I am feeling grumpy. I found out that I need an operation on my hips which means I have to go into nazi mode with my diet and exercise regime.

This is enough to make anyone want to hide under the bed. I just wish I had a Hobbes tiger friend to keep me company under there. We could make a bed fort:D I wonder why adults seem to think that childish things are beneath them; 'childish' is routinely used as an insult but I think the ability to play and laugh at life is important.

I am going to go splash in the tub now and act like a kid. Hello to Mel who added me. You prompted me to update so thank you:D
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