
Oct 02, 2011 16:16

So.. I live and stuff. Not a zombie.... at least, not really. :D  Those of you who know me in really real life know that everything has been a jumble of timey whimey-ness and issues, so I've been away for awhile. I'm not really officially "back"  but I am checking in, here and there.

For those who care, this is whats been going on. Josh got home about 2 months ago...  and while this is a great thing....  life's been pretty rocky.   I guess feelings change when someone is away for so long, and now I'm not fully sure that I'm where I want to be in my relationship with him. So I'm working through that....  breaking up is hard to do.  and when i say that, I don't just mean that it sucks. (which it does)  but its hard to do, as he doesn't seem to think that we're in the process of doing so. He got amnesia about 2 hours after we had the "should we stay together" conversation.. and I'm too much of a wuss to have the conversation again. cause it was the hardest thing I've ever done.  So its weird. *shrug*    but i'm workign through it.

I went back to school, I'm at a local college taking art classes.  Finally, I can live out my dream of being an art student.  My major is photography, and thats the other thing eating my life. I have 8 hours of class per week, with about 4.5 hours of homework or more per class.  its awesome though, cause my homework is things like, draw for 3 hours. or go and take a bunch of pictures, then photoshop them in this particular manner. :D  <3

Regarding Doctor Who.... OMGI"MINLOVE.  So much so that I'm dreaming about it.   I am absolutely head over heels for Matt Smith. He has become my Doctor (sorry Tennant, I stil love you!)    The season finale... OMG that finale. I want more, right now. so awesome. and so pretty. :D

In other news...   i'm not sure there is much other news.  Just wanted to check in and say hello to you wonderful people that I miss so much. 

personal, stuff

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