Aug 10, 2004 15:12
Lizard18-"i Have a question- how can you be christian and vote kerry? Not a question of liking and disliking BUsh, but rather a question do you want John Kerry to become presdent and then have something like another september 11th happen. Kerry will sit around trying to make the american people happy instead of safe. its kind of like GOd- does God always make us happy or does he look outfor our needs more the our wants.Yes he looks out for our wants. SO it should be with the president. Not that i am saying that the President is some form of God, but simply we put him in power and we want to be safe. What good would it have done us if Bush was more concerned about the convience of the american people on september 11th? He never would have shut down the airports..millions more would have fallen victim to the brutal attack of these MUSLIMs....who hate everything we as christians stand for. Kerry would have flip flopped about wether our happieness is more important then our need for survival. We need a president that you can at least know what he is going to do. Do you want some one who acts or do you want a some one who doesn't knw or ca't make up his mind. Abortion is wrong-bush is agaist it...Kerry will tell you what you want to hear. God Bless BUsh who has the guts to declare his faith in Jesus. it would do us Christians more good to be like that. Instead of being lukewarm all the time, and afraid to say Hey I LOVE JESUS. I speakof myself. too... ourcountry need Christians to stand up and fight in prayer and in the testimony of Jesus. You love your country prove it- Pray"
I'm not gonna call myself a christian anymore just a guy who loves Jesus. That's better so i don't have to be associated with people that write things like this.
By the Way Hey I'm not afraid to say I LOVE JESUS EITHER...
People like this piss me off...
Update my response to this person's xanga entry:
I call myself a christian and I want John Kerry to be my President. You know why because he cares about people and he doesn't use his religious beliefs as a means of getting votes. (*cough* Republican Party *cough*) Although i am no one to judge a person's spiritual being, i believe that John Kerry can lead our country in a more respectable manner than the likes of George W Bush. We would not go into things with fire and brimstone but with love and compassion. If we were likening the two candidates to preachers George W. Bush would be the Fire and brimestone preacher who has to scare you into salvation (but still has love and compassion) and John Kerry would be the pastore that shows Jesus's compassion and love. This is a difference in the Deomcratic and Republican Parties. They both will get you to heaven but the are totally different paths to salvation. Sometimes we need a fire and brimestone preacher to set us straight but we do not need to hear that twenty four seven. George W Bush is that Fire and Brimestone preacher constantly preaching about terrorism and national security but lessing the importance of the job market, social security, healthcare reform and welfare. John Kerry is the opposite while national security and terrorism is highly important in our current situation he chooses to emphasize both sides. He will show the love and compassion side as Democrats normally do. This is why i side more with the Democrats than the Republicans. I perfer to show people God's love rather than telling them they are damned to hell. I am follower of Christ who loves Jesus sometimes i refuse to call myself a christian because sometimes other christians give us a bad name. I am a Democrat. I am Voting for John Kerry and I call myself a Christian.
Matthew Anderson