Aug 23, 2011 14:53

You know, living in Northern Virgina for 90% of my life, earthquakes were never something I thought I'd have to deal with.

Guess I was wrong on that one.

Youngling and I were home when it happened, he was completely freaked out (to be honest, I wasn't that far behind) and asked me if it was a dinosour. I was worried that it was something like a gas main blowing up. Luckily, Twitter and Facebook were kind enough to let me know that it was, in fact, and actual earthquake.

I think I feel the most sorry for all the people that will be stuck in the never ending traffic coming out of the DC that is sure to result from this.

So, for those of you who were with me on the east cost, how are you doing?

wtf?, life in irony

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