Where I really should have known better.

Aug 21, 2010 13:56

In high school I started getting migraines. Sensitive to light, sound, dizziness, the whole nine yards. After several doctors visits and a battery of what I’m sure where very expensive tests (one memorable one involved an actual strobe light while being hooked up to EEG) I was given some very nice meds and sent on my merry way.

Eventually I began to grow out of having migraines, and by the time I hit my early twenties they were all but gone. In fact, I didn’t experience one until I became pregnant. Then they were like a whole new form of torture. But once the nine months of pain were over the migraines went away again, resurfacing very rarely.

Last night, I was in the middle of watching a few of my friends in a local performance of RENT when some familiar symptoms began to creep up on me. By the end of the show I was beginning to really feel the pain so I managed to grab my friends in the cast for a quick “Congratulations and Goodbye” and left quickly since I still had a 45 minute drive home.

Home, two painkillers and a pillow over my face later I was doing my best to try and sleep.

It didn’t work well. It was one of the times when I actually woke up feeling worse then when I went to bed. But then, because I am so very smart, I get the great idea to clean the bathrooms.

So, migraine + cleaning supplies = Oh god, the pain!

Lesson learned. Am now going to lie in bed with the covers over my head.

everyday, life in irony, whiny me

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