In which I declare the photographer my mortal enemy

May 17, 2010 16:33

Long weekend was long.

I went to a wedding for some friends on Saturday that took up most of the day. Weddings are fun, it's a happy day and there's all that love stuff. Then there's my typical luck and weddings.

I got lost on the way there. Not a big deal and easy to fix (I just missed a badly marked turn) so by the time I got to the venue it was 1:50pm. I'd gotten a text from the groom himself that the show was supposed to start exactly at 2 so I found a parking space. As I was getting out of the car someone pulled up next to me on the passengers side and flung their door open and whacked my car.

It was one of the bridesmaids, running late so I was inclined not to care about it but that's when I realized that it wasn't just some random bridesmaid but "Shelly" (name changed). She and I do not have a good history (long story short: we share an ex-boyfriend. Shelly was dating him when I met and was very uncomfortable with the fact that said ex and I were still good friends. She dealt with this insecurity by being a bitch. It went downhill from there)so when she saw that the car she'd hit was mine she just turned and walked away towards the area where the wedding was being held.

Since there was no damage to my door I just got back in my car and moved a space over so she'd would have more room to get back into her car. Then I started my hike to the area where the ceremony was being held.

It was about a quarter mile path. Again, not a huge deal if not for the fact that it was a stone gravel path, I was in heals and my dress was to long. I made it without falling on face or turning an ankle. I found where to stow my gift and moved to the chairs and found my friend Beth.

Beth informed me that everything was delayed. For an indeterminate time. Because the brides dress wasn't there. Neither was the food, the groom's family and the pastor.

We waited.

Eventually everything arrived and the ceremony started. It was nice. Not to long and drawn out but still very pretty.

After that the photographer wanted everyone to gather in the side lawn for group photo. So the wedding party, family and guest started to assemble and the photographer went up stairs to shoot out a second story window. After about 20 minutes of rearranging everyone to fit in the frame we were finally in place for the picture when I felt something crawling across my foot. I looked down to see this big, fuzzy brown spider making it's way across my sandal. I did the logical thing I could think of:

I screamed and kicked the spider as far away from me as possible where the grooms brother-in-law (who btw is Army Special Forces therefore much braver than I) picked the spider up and tossed it into a nearby bush.

Then the picture finally got taken.

After that it was party time!

Because it was a wedding on budget there was only homemade finger food and the cake. Beth, Alan and I collectively decided to get dinner on the way home. All in all it was a really nice time, I was happy for my friends and it was a beautiful day out. I didn't even get sunburned thanks to all the trees.

The one thing that bugged me was the damn photographer. He was constantly getting in the way. At one point (during the ceremony) he actually nudged the pastor slightly to get a different angle. He also kept telling various people to "stop leaning" and "look more elegant" while taking candid shots during the reception. I ducked him as much as I was able, but I'm sure I'll turn up in a few shots.

Still, wedding was fun!

Sunday I spent the day doing a massive pile of laundry and at the park with the youngling. It doesn't sound like a lot but it wiped me out and youngling didn't take a nap all day so by 6:30 he was getting cranky and clingy while I was trying to make dinner.

I was ready to pass out by 10 but then got caught up chores and didn't collapse until around midnight.

One of these days I'll have a normal schedule. Maybe.

adventures with friends, youngling

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