Feb 16, 2012 14:50
So it's been exactly ten years today that I saw Phantom of the Opera for the first time. Yay for life changing musicals. Boo for ALW who became a sellout not too many years after that. So let's see, in Lutraville the past ten years...
Best Phantom: John Cudia
Best Christine: Julie Hanson
Best Raoul: Michael Shawn Lewis
Managers of Win: George Lee Andrews & Jeff Keller
Best Carlotta: Rebecca Eichenberger
Favorite cast recording: the Swedish one
Most Awesome Moment: My 18th birthday, Jan. 2006. word.
Most Fail Moment: Bringing my French class to an unfortunately fail performance in March 2005
Most lol-worthy moment: Hugh Panaro's epic spit-take upon unmasking
Most Fail development: The godawful 2004 movie (seriously what the hell was that piece of shit??) and Love Never Dies. Seriously why does LND even *exist*? ALW being mind-controlled by 13-year-old badphic writers? That is the only possible explanation.
Best & Worst Phandom moments: best was phanwank! I love those people. I love all the badfic we found, the shenanigans that took place there, the good grammar, the awful fanfic! Phanwank is the best shit ever, you guys. Worst was the stupid phandom wars over the movie in 2004. I was one of the anti-movie people, and it was kind of embarrassing how vicious the wars got XD
Best Fic: An AU of the Persia section of SK's novel where the slave girl actually chooses to stay with Erik. The fic is long gone, but I remember it being awesome.
Worst Fic: The one where Erik tries to commit suicide and is saved by Santa Claus.
Someday I have to: Finish that Phantom modern reincarnation fic. It's me taking the "LOL the characters in Phantom are reincarnated into high school students!" and trying to make it awesome. I think it will turn out well if I actually finished the damn thing. Last part I got to was everyone's lives getting screwed up by their memories of past selves.
Secret ship I wish someone would do really well: Erik/Carlotta
If I was fourteen right now: One of my roommates and I could totally not be friends 'cause she hates Phantom. oh snap.
I can't believe I still haven't: Taken Adi to a performance; named a pet after a character (and I have a lot of pets)
Most WTF thing I did: dressed as Erik one Halloween and played the baritone. aw yeah.
Embarrassing Phangirl Confession: I wanted to marry Erik when I was fifteen.
Share with me your Phantom moments, folks!