(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 07:23

stupid yankees lost again last night . . . stupid yankees, got swept by the worst team in baseball . . . jeez . . .

ummm yeah what happened yesterday? hmm oh yeah well not much in school happened, urr then got home and played wiffle-ball(won 14-3) then drove my brother to his game, then got home and watched the yankees lose, then talked to nikki but she fell asleep at like 11:15, so then i watched a movie and went to bed, then woke up and came to school and now here i am!!!

urr i said i was going to finish my story yesterday, then i realized there wasn't much more i could say w/o giving out details that neither nikki or myself want to share . . . hehe so yeah we will leave it how i ended it yesterday, and yes nikki you were in my lap, you were like laying on my lap/shoulder, and it was only leaning on my arm when you looked up to kiss me . . . sigh, get your memories straight!!! hehe

ok well the bell hasn't rung yet, but i don't have much else to say . . . so i will end it at that and go do my spanish homework . . . have a great day every1 . . . oh yeah i almost forgot, today is my first day of physical therapy, thought i'd share . . . hehe

i love you soo much baby
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