Dec 11, 2005 18:54
i havent updated in a while
i was gone all weekend
i should be working
lots of stuff happens in my life
lots of things are supposed to happen in my life but they dont happen
and thats weird
i love running and i hate it
i have my liscense but no car
i have been handed independence but i am still in the cage
i wish i was actually good at doodling
and focusing
the way that people say im focused
i wish i could get spanish
i mean i get the basics and love spanish culture
but you put me in the class room and i swear i go retarded
i wish i knew math too
fuck that
im happy
if you have a band and you want to have an in town show on new years talk to me
it will be posi and wonderful
i swear
ps: i finished the last harry potter
im going through withdrawls
i think i need another hit
and by hit i mean another good book