Title: Contrast
Series, Characters: One Piece, Sanji/Robin
Request: for
zauberer_sirin; “Never thought I stood a chance”
Notes: Gah, I have to stop the All Blue reference when it comes to Sanji >.<
Of all the things he did, Robin always noticed his firm eyes, the look that told her the absolute truth. But one day, she would, too, see those eyes shaken as she uttered these words: “I don’t need Going Merry or its people.”
Sanji seemed confused but stood decisively. For a moment he didn’t say anything and let her see him taken aback, let his glance tell her ‘I won’t let myself lose you.’ Then he kicked the ground he stood on, harshly and fast, the dirt rumbling with the force of his swift movement; she thought if the ground were stone, it would surely break.
A breakdown was not what he was going to let her suffer. He would not let her tell him a blatant lie, that she was no longer a part of his crew. (If he still believed in All Blue, he had to believe in her.)
Title: Redder than Amethyst
Series, Characters: Honey and Clover, Nomiya/Ayumi (with a side of Miwako and Leader)
Request: for
the_firefly; “Bet”
Notes: Aw, I love this pairing more and more as I write them. <3
The look in her eyes suggested how surprised she was. In her hand, she held a pendant, the jewel (a small ruby) about the size of her fingernail. She stared at it, and then gazed at Nomiya with such curiosity that he felt compelled to answer her unasked question.
“It used to belong to my mother (she told me to give it to a girl that I treasure).”
Ayumi nodded and traced the silver string with her thumb, as if history itself were written on that very necklace. “Thank you,” she managed to breathe out, if only suddenly.
On the other side of the room, Miwako sat at her desk, petting Leader lovingly. “You see, Leader, a man in love is full of surprises. Alas, I was right; he was going to give her jewelry. How should I break this news to Yamazaki?”
The dog simply wagged its tail and sat happily; behind its back was the calendar on the wall with a red circle drawn around the date of Ayumi’s birthday.
Title: Grim Starlight
Series, Characters: D.Gray-man, Allen/Rinali
Request: for
kaeru_chan; “12 days of Christmas”
Notes: It kind of turned into mild angst D:
“Did you ever celebrate Christmas?” She asked him, reaching high on her ladder to put the king-sized star on the top of their tree.
“Well, I never knew my birthday and neither did my father, so we chose this day as the day I was born.” He answered, grinning. He personally thought Christmas at the Exorcist Headquarters was one of the most bleak-looking times of the year. Deaths of comrades were prominent around the world and yet here they were, sheltered and fed, the large tree blinking with lights.
“I know what you’re thinking, Allen.” She told him softly, her voice as quiet as a passing bird’s.
“No, it’s all right,” he replied, a bit startled. “We should enjoy the holiday spirit.”
Title: The Extent of Her Belief
Series, Characters: Gundam SEED, Mwu/Murrue
Request: for
tempest_arashi; “Making the impossible possible”
Notes: This was hard to write, if only because the canon for them is good. o_o
He had learned a magic trick from someplace, she realized, as he pulled out a rose from behind her ear. She took the flower in her hand and smiled, but gave him a suspicious look at the same time.
“We’re in the middle of space,” Murrue said.
He only grinned. “Remember, just a minute ago, you didn’t believe me when I said I’d get you a rose? If I tell you something, trust me, I’ll do it.”
Mwu bent his head sideways to kiss her brown hair. She closed her eyes and wished he’d say I’ll always be by your side (but the Archangel Captain at war knew better and fought back a tear).