The Writing.

Sep 05, 2006 11:08

I thought I'd briefly mention how I'm writing these.

They're straight to post, and not really edited. I might go back and edit something if it's a big mistake, but mostly I leave it alone once it's posted. I don't write them in another program like Word and import them.

I don't write a particular episode in advance, then work up to it with other episodes. Even if I have one in mind, it waits its turn and happens in order.

I'm doing this for a few reasons.

1- I learned to write like this during my undergraduate work as a historian. Not that it's how you'd want to write for a thesis or anything, but by the end of the four years we were expected to write a 4 page paper on a topic handed to us, nearly every day. I got to the point where I would get up in the morning, and just write four pages in one go and get the format, flow, and point of the paper pretty much right the first time, then turn it in that afternoon. This is something I had to learn how to do and I intend to keep the skill polished.

2- It helps me get a fresh, nearly raw emotion and image into writing. Sure, it'd probably make for more proper telling if I went over it with a fine toothed comb afterward and edited the hell out of it, but I have a story to tell, and I like the fresh surprise of working with these sudden inspirations.

3- If I labor over these posts too much, I will obsess over getting every single word right and I'd still be back on episode three or something. It's good practice for me to just DO IT, be happy, and move on.

4- I want to see what happens next, don't you?

5- I don't want to take this too seriously. I'm no professional author. This is for fun.

Without further ado, back to the story.
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