There I was, on Tuesday, minding my own business, enjoying my Mardi Gras, maybe having a tiny bit of a headache but not thinking too much of it -- yanno, usual kind of stuff.
Then at around... ohh... 7:30pm? 8? My plans for the week
As I emailed my boss later in the week "This blows. Sadly literally."
On the upside the woman who answered at the 24 hour nurse hotline was very kind, informative, and way more patient than perhaps any non-saintly person has a right to be when talking to someone at 1am a) at all and b) while said person is doing things that cannot possibly sound good over a telephone.
The bulk of my week has been spent in various cycles of bed/bathroom/couch/clear liquid drinking/plain soft food eating/hey maybe I'm finally feeling betzzzzzzzzzzzzzz huh? where did those five hours go?/cat-cuddling/Olympics watching with the duration of each cycle changing as the week has gone on, and some aspects happening at the same time. (Cat cuddling in bedroom or couch = ok. Cat cuddling in bathroom = not so much. Bless them for trying, however.)
To all reports I seem to be on schedule for getting better. I'm now at the stage where I'm able to eat things and have just enough energy and/or appetite to try to put some thought into what those things might be.
In related news you have no IDEA how often diary products show up in your diet when you are not allowed to have them. I don't even like milk unless it's in cereal or tea - which are naturally two things I'd love to be partaking of right now if not for the pesky "NO DAIRY PRODUCTS FOR AT LEAST A WEEK OR YOU WILL SO REGRET IT WE SWEAR TO GOD" advice I've been given. (And also found in multiple places on the web, not that I was looking for an out or anything. Ahem.)
(I realize soy or rice milk could possibily be a substitute, but I've never had them before and somehow I suspect "recovery from stomach flu" is not the timeframe to be trying any new food products.)
So that is the state of me. My plans are to continue to go slow and take it easy in the hopes that I'll be better enough to go back to work on Monday. Anyone who has any suggestions on things that someone recovering from stomach flu can eat in that murky "more advanced than cream of wheat" but "not yet back on the saddle of dairy or raw vegetables" stage would be most appreciated. Especially since I'm drawing blanks on what to do for lunch while I'm at work.
If you need me I'll probably be asleep. Just look for the lump under the two kitties.