
Oct 01, 2008 19:44

Today's wildlife count: 2 deer, 3 turkeys. This kind of thing never stops making me squee.

McCain campaign attacks an attack that didn't happen, Obama's folks deftly turn it into a "Assholesayswhat?" moment. I really love the people working on Obama's campagin. The smackdowns are glorious.

Do Baby Boomers view sexism different from Gen Xers? In other words, do they have different reactions to sexism as it applies to Sen. Clinton vs. Gov. Palin? It's an interesting theory at least. I know for me it's not so much that Palin is cute or whatever as it is that she's a freaking moron but I'm a Gen X slacker so what do I know.

McCain posibly admits to wanting to be a dictator. This strikes me as the kind of verbal slip that happens when you don't have enough caffiene in the morning. Though, as later parts of the interview indicate he's certainly got the "dick" part of the equation right.

Will a ruling on royalties force iTunes to shut down? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I am shocked, SHOCKED to discover that the research cited in the High Fructose Corn Syrup ads was paid for by the HFCS industry. Really. Could've knocked me over with a feather.

Much like Smartcars, Chrysler has peapods, wee little cars that work off of electricity and don't go over 25. If I lived and worked somewhere that was centrally located I would adore one of these things.

HI CUTEST THING IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. Also I want one. You know me and my thing with deers, people.

Earliest reference to Christ describes him as a 'magician'. One assumes the second reference is his comment of "I've made a huge mistake" regarding the whole friendship with Judas thing.

Are you likely to be an exercise drop out? For the record I don't know ANYONE WHO DOES THIS. Ahem.

If you're freaking out about the economy, here's some tips for weathering the storm, so to speak.

election 08, politics, history, economy, omgcute, siam 2008, feminism, mccain, radiotbq, environment

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