Apr 01, 2008 21:28
I didn't do much for April Fool's Day today. Just pranked my boss by turning his screen upside down (control-alt-up/down arrow). When all was said and done he wanted to know how I did it. I told him he was hilarious. And that he should keep this in mind when deciding how much of a raise I should get ;)
But work is good, if busy. And dance is going well. I'm vaguely getting the hang of zills!
I'm also continuing with my Spanish. I've got tons of folks to practice with now, especially at dance class. Granted that what Spanish I know is more condusive to conversations with people you don't know. On the upside so far I've been happy that I've learned French first, as French is comparatively more fussy. (SHOCKER) (I say that avec l'amour)
And that's about it from my end. Just checking in. Hi!