It is windy like a mothersmurfer today. I was going to say "outside" but then I realized "what? as opposed to that INSIDE wind?" and stopped myself. Though not from sharing the blonde moment with you.
It's sunny and then every so often we'll get WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH and I wait for, say, cows to go flying by. Which would be especially impressive given that there aren't any cows near my home. So you'd see how this would be a good indication of wind strength. In fact I think I'm going to adopt a system of talking about the wind in terms of potential cowage. Given the pauses I'd say we were at a one cow day. I'll let you know if that changes.
I have house cleaning to do and knitting projects to start. However there is a Mac in my lap who is invoking the law of kitty density pretty hard, so I may be trapped here for a bit.
My thanks to those who
volunteered their services to beta for my dad. Anyone still looking to offer a hand can do so at that link. What I'll do is gather up all the comments after everyone who wants to has pinged in, then forward them on to him so he can decide what works and what doesn't.
Now to remind Mac that at some point I will need my arm again.