Lifetime's new show Army Wives hits so many of my fic kinks it is NOT EVEN FUNNY. Say hello to my new season pass.
Top Chef returns. After last season I would've written s3 off, but damn it Ted Allen is a judge now. NOT FAIR. Ah well, at least I have good online company to watch it with.
I've ordered a learn to spin kit, complete with drop spindle and a few ounces of wool to practice with. This is all
byrne's fault.
And in case anyone was staying up late at night wondering about this: I am now a fan of Vitamin Water. Not that I'd drink it instead of regular water, but it does make a good substitue for those times you'd be drinking something worse, like soda. Though I'm told Diet Coke is going to be coming with added vitamins now. Much like hybrid SUVs I can't tell if this is brilliant or missing the point.
Semi-related, finally saw An Inconvienent Truth this weekend. My urge to slap our current president has never been stronger.