Okay, slowly catching up to this "holiday" concept EVEN THOUGH MOTHER NATURE ISN'T HELPING ANY, WTF WARM WEATHER, WTF???
Anyhoo, if one wished to send pressies my way (and one does not have to), here's the sort of stuff I'd like....
1) Icons of Willow, preferably s3 or earlier
2) Icons of Angel, any season
3) An Angel/Logan and/or Willow/Peter Pevensie banner for my LJ, same proportions as the current banner up top. BECAUSE FH HAS EATEN MY BRAIN
4) Wes/Angel stories, preferably of a schmoopy sort
5) Join the ACLU if you haven't already
6) Donate to PFLAG, your local animal shelter, or to Katrina Relief
7) Stuff off of my
Amazon wishlist. Used items are more than okay. (And yes I know that's my real name and city there, I figure if you want to spend money on me you have a right to know ;) )
And that's about all I can think of. Will add more if stuff comes to me.
Will also do another post about cards later. =)