It's been a fabulous fall day today. Cool, rainy, just the way I like it. I've been into the comfort foods big time. This morning (ha! try afternoon) I even made a proper pot of tea.
This weekend I'm doing a big push on the season finale (watch me word that carefully so people don't come after me with pitchforks) for
ats_nolimits. My actual deadline isn't for another week, but obviously the sooner my bit's done the better. Also I only get busier as the week goes on, whereas this weekend my only other commitments are feeding myself and doing laundry.
It's bittersweet working on this ep. I've known what's going to happen in it for over a year now. On the one hand it's nice to finally write the thing. But on the other hand writing it will mean it's over and done with (for the season, do not kill me). [sniff] My baby!
Also I'll admit I've had this outline in my head for so long that I've lost all perspective on if it's any good or not. Am I accurately transcribing what's hopefully a kick ass story, or am I just going through the motions walking through the part of moving the characters around without any nuances or meaning? Argh!
It doesn't help that my meds are also making me a bit spacy. On top of that I had a migraine last night. Clearly God does not want me to write this. I'm not sure what he does want me to do, but since he hasn't sent the memo down yet I'm going to be contrary and keep typing. So there.