Coughed so hard earlier today I got dizzy. I'm a bit worried that apparently my brain is not making use of a seat belt, as the only logical explanation is that I coughed hard enough to give it a spin.
Talked with Elder Brother last night who confirmed, based on me describing the symptoms, that I have the exact same thing he had as of last Monday. According to him he has no idea how he made it through Tuesday and on Wednesday he was so bad he cancelled all of his work related stuff. Which, considering how much of a type-A my Elder Brother is, is quite a big deal. Suddenly I don't feel so bad for not being able to do too much this weekend, as that's the exact same schedule he was on.
On the plus side he said he's more or less better now, so I should be getting better soon m'self.
And now, memeness:
10 things that I've done which you might not have done:
1) Slept in one of Anne Rice's houses
2) Appeared on PBS
3) Appeared on MTV (not, fwiw, the same footage)
4) Appeared on TV while talking obscenely to a very large snake. (MTV, obviously, not PBS)
5) Been within spitting distance of Brad Pitt, Queen Elizabeth II, and Tony Blair. (Not on the same day.)
6) Shook Bill Clinton's hand.
7) Shaken James Marsters's hand (twice)
8) Seen Patrick Stewart do the one man show of Christmas Carol
9) Met more than one ghost
10) Eaten alligator