1-1 Life Sports - Washington
1-2 Student Aid - Reznich
1-3 Drama - Dworkin
1-4 English - Kehus
2-1 Chemistry - BIG MEECH
2-2 Advanced Algebra - Simpson
2-3 Seminar -Reznich
2-4 World History - Young
Lemme know if we have any classes togehter! besides that ive been way to busy to ever update this thing, so here it is real quick. School sucks, hockey is good, life in general could be better, and thats it.
p.s. Derrick Davis likes to hot glue his penis to his leg and run around screaming " You dropped a bomb on me....Baby!" wow hes a fucked up kid...
<-----if you look down that hall you can see derrickrunning away with no pants on with his dick hot glued to his leg, and his bare ass
Well its time i go to bed