Hello and welcome to my new drama The Rune Markings. This prologue is short but at the same time you need to read it if your going to read future chapters!
A long time ago lived Natorian Septim an evil king who ruled over the vampire kingdom.
He hid out in the swamp marshes of Twinbrook, away from all of reality. There he grew his family. Although unknown to him, things were beginning to go horribly wrong. The kingdom was suffering and his family was to.
Natorian’s youngest children were Kan and Ramon! They were strong beings who lived of the suffering of others. He was hopping either Kan or Ramon would someday take his place a ruler of the vampires…
Even if others were stronger and more suitable. Kan and Ramon’s older brother and sister Krey and Clait were…Well how should I say? Different. They were half breeds. There mother a near mortal. And this wasn’t good upon a whole life of vampires, they were a burden of there own race.
Natorian was not happy when news spread about the news of 2 half breeds in the family and locked himself and his family away from civilization were there life would continue in silence. That was until the mother of the children was found. She was sacrificed to the devil, leaving the children alone. There father didn’t want anything to do with them!
Life went on in the castle…A very sad and dark life. As Krey and Clait’s father and new step mother slept, they both arranged an escape.
Once knowing the plan both Krey and Clait stared upon there father for the final time before leaving!
Krey and Clait ran for there lives if they were ever to be caught running from the king then they would forever be imprisoned.
And that’s when the tides turned. Krey and Clait caught eyes with there mother.
Her eyes were blank and dead. She had no life in her…
In case of a trap Krey confronted her mother first. Although like from distance her eyes were dead and she didn’t react to anything Krey did.
And that was when Kan came forth…Like Krey had suspected it was a trap! Krey bent her head down in anguish of being caught! “Just take me” Were the only words that came from Krey’s mouth. And Kan nodded.
Clait came running from the side lines trying to catch her sister before being taken back to were she’d came…But he was to late. Krey would be taken back to the tower were she’d be imprisoned and would probably be never seen again. Even if she were the kings daughter she had broken his rules of betrayal.
Clait did care about his sister but he knew that if he were to go back, now then he two would join his sister in prison. So he kept walking and found himself at a cross rowed. It was now or never. Should he move forward to his new life? Or turn and return to his old one?
He took the new life. The life of normality and peace, although he knew that at some point, one day he would return for his sister. That was sure!
Well that's it for the prologue I know it was short but still I hope you enjoyed :D If you did then I love seeing comments and you can post them below :D I am also majorly determined to get an episode of big brother out tonight. And I wont rest until I do so :D