mc donalds, apparentlly , sucks ass.

May 17, 2006 17:46

For everyone who lives in Brooklyn,NY , do not go to the mc donalds on utica ave. t really sucks. I tried to get that new Asian salad at 2:30 in the afternoon and they didn't have anymore. Besides that, I had to wait in this short line, but there was nobody in front of the cash register. Le sigh. It is so hard to trust people to get you food these days. The only reason I was really buying the salad was for the dvd. I have to be the cheapest teenager in the world. I only spend money on clothes , books, and food. But I will fully blow 100 bucks on books. I'm stupid like that. Verry much a book/music nerd. In other news , I totally failed chemistry . Mr Dugboe sucks complete ass. It was my fault though...I did fail both tests. Heh.

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