I'm selling my ish....

Apr 05, 2008 18:08

Hey there flist...I've decided to sell some of my stuff that I don't want/ don't use on craigslist. Trying to make some cash to buy stuff for college.

Stuff includes-
-Two blazers that I never wore. Both are size Medium. 
- A top that I hate.  Never Worn. Size Medium.
-A pair of water shoes, size 9, worn once.
-An old 1998 HP Scanner, with installation software. (probably for like $35-$40)
-A set of Regents books that I don't need anymore, along with a thesaurus and a spanish/english dictionary. Also, Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul .($25 for the whole set) Regents books are writen in with pencil, they're a little worn, but definitley useable.
-A book of Alice Walker poetry. ($5) Extremly good condition.
-Two Textbooks- (4th-5th grade) Houghton Mifflin, The Mathematics Experience - ($15), (9th Grade)Holt, Reinhart and Winston, World History-Continuity and Change ($20) Both textbooks are in really good condition.

I have more stuff, I just haven't really looked through all of it yet.  I also have some practice books that I never returned to the library. THink I should sell those?
-Kaplan for the 'new' SAT (2400 version) 
-Princeton Reveiw- Advanced Placement English LIterature. 2006-207 Edition.
-Princeton Review- Advanced Placement Calculus AB and BC Exams. 2006-2007 Edition.

I also started counting the coins that are in that big water fountain bottle in my room.  You know, the office kind.
Like this one.

It's basically almost filled, I say about 90%. I want to bring it to the bank, but to do that at NOrth Folk Bank, you have to seperate the coins and put them in those cardboard things and THEN bring them to the bank.  I poured out like 4% of the coins on the floor and started to seperate them. When I finished, I counted all the silver coins.  The pennies would be exhausting. So, in dimes , nickles and quarters alone, I have $35.44.  And I JUST started. IMagine what's in the whole bottle . *Squees* I'm gonna do a little bit each day until I finish.

day to day, dorm

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