Meme, yo.

Jan 30, 2008 15:46

So I am finally getting up to writing this meme that hannah_sheree tagged me for.

1. I can get really anxious. Like anxiety disorder anxious. Example: I thought I lost my wallet (and a sizable sum of money) a few days ago and I literally couldn't sleep that night, I was so worried and dissapointed in my self. I hate dissapointing my parents. I woke up at 3:30 that morning and couldn't fall back asleep until 7. Fun.

2. I hate it when people chew with their mouth open. It makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

3. Sometimes I have really morbid thoughts of what people would say or do if I died.

4. When I'm at home by myself I turn up MTV Hits and dance around in jeans, a bikini top and oversized sunglasses.

5. People think I'm so totally responsible, and the truth is I used to cut my 6th period US History class (and sometimes my 5th period Health class) all the time last year. Funny thing is , I got a 100% in Health and a 99 on the US HIstory Regents (this stupid mandatory test you have to take every year (while in high school)for in NY state.)I also got a 98% in US History. Mwwahhahaha.

6.I talk to myself sometimes. (Don't deny it , you losers. You know you do it too.)

7. I don't know...?

Passed on to whoever wants to do it.


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