Title: Holiday Fun
vintage_belleRating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I come up with the ideas. The boys are just the victims of them.
Pairing: Robinson Cano/Melky Cabrera
Author’s Notes: This takes place at some very random point during the Winter Leagues - whenever Melky and Robinson happen to see each other as opposing players. Shout-out to for one particular line - I’m sure you’ll know it when you see it - because it is the most awesomest line ever! X-posted to
Dear children,
Hi! I’m an NC-17 rated story, because I include vivid descriptions of plotless man-sex. If you are not above the legal age to view such works in your country or state, or if your parents are watching you, you should not be clicking the link below. If you do click the link, I cannot be held responsible.
Melky watched the game happening on the field with vague interest at best.)