Title: Trade Rumours 1/?
Series(if any): Could be. Just give me time.
starfishchickPairing: Derek/Nomar
Rating: G
Summary: The boys discuss trade rumours. Three drabbles.
Disclaimer: They probably do own cell phones. There are currently trade rumours going around. A-Rod has said that he will accept a trade only to the Yankees or the Red Sox. Derek
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“They wouldn’t…”
“I don’t think so.”
Another pause.
“Would Steinbrenner…”
“No. No.” And then, with less certainty, “I don’t think so.”
"You're not sure?"
Derek sighed. "Are you?"
“Keep in touch, yeah?”
“Yeah. Only five months until April.”
“We’ll talk soon.”
“Take care. Bye.”
the dialogue really makes it.
thank you for posting! theboysofsummer RULE!
why is this happening?!?! they can't take our boys away! they can't part their pure and absolute slashy love! noooooo!
There is more to come!!
and i would not call the dialogue stilted. it's actually quite fitting for them.
if we ever met, you might get a better understanding as to why my nomar and derek have diarrhea of the mouth. i think i write my own big mouth into their characters. :)
and, yes, damn work does seem to get in the way at the most inopportune times, doesn't it.
d00d, i'm having writer's block. i think it has something to do with the fact that i'm getting closer and closer to writing real slash and my brain is threatening to turn off. i've got nomar "sleeping over" and now my mind is totally blank.
maybe i need to take a break and read some smut. something to push me forward into the dark depths of PWP. let the smut-reading begin! :)
So 'Only five months until April' is now "Spring training in four months."
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