Fic: "Singularity." Major League Baseball RPS - Cleveland Indians.

Mar 20, 2006 01:14

Title: Singularity
Author: Ang Griffen (angisageek)
Fandom: Major League Baseball: Cleveland Indians
Pairing: Ben Broussard/Ryan Garko
Rating/Content warning: Adult (NC-17). Content may disturb some readers.
Word Count: ~18,000
Disclaimer: I'm just making this up. No defamation is intended.

Summary: Ben is haunted. This probably counts as darkfic. In a way.

Notes: This was originally written for the sslyricwheel challenge "Darkness." It is possible I took the prompt a bit literally. I wound up being about four months late, way over the page-limit, and I broke down and had some people look over it first. Lyrics from American Nightmare, "There's a Black Hole in the Shadow of the Pru" provided by liralen. I had a hard time finding specific dates for a few things, so my timeline might be a few days off here or there. I took a wee bit of poetic license with the Oakland game.

Super-special thanks, first of all to plainsong_x for holding my hand and kicking my ass and catching a crapload of mistakes when I pasted crap at her while writing. Thanks also to callmecayce for helping with research liek whoa, tripthemighty for helping me develop the original idea, and technis for a quick and dirty read-through of the final draft. Yet more thanks to lcsbanana and vagabond_sal who don't care a jot about baseball and put up with me blathering about this story on more than one occasion. All you folks rock. Apparently, it really does take a village.

For your edification, this is Ben Broussard, the Cleveland Indians' hapless first-baseman & this is Ryan Garko, the most over-hyped prospect in the system.

Too long for one LJ post:
Part 1
Part 2

pairing: broussard/garko, team: cleveland indians, author: u, type: slash, char.: ryan garko, rating: nc-17, char.: ben broussard

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