suicide squeeze.

Nov 15, 2008 15:14

i originally wrote/posted this about a month ago in a david cook comm, but a couple of david wright fans liked it and then someone told me to post it here, so...i hope you guys enjoy it! here's a cute video of them talking about each other from wednesday night. and an adorable pic.

Title: suicide squeeze.
Author: expatiates
Pairing: david cook/david wright.
Disclaimer: they do share a first name and a birthday, and both do have beloved brothers. and they are both very, very hot. otherwise? this is all lies. the gold glove and the silver slugger belong to david wright, the song “light on” belongs to david cook, and none of it, much to my chagrin, belongs to me.
Rating: hard R, maybe? nc-17?
Summary: new york mets hotshot third baseman david wright is just a nice southern boy who wants to thank david cook for performing at his charity event.
01. this is the book cook talks about, and the specific passage can be found here. and wright thinks of a line from this poem which i actually doubt he's read, but it was quoted in the virgin suicides and i'm going to choose to believe he saw that.
02. if you don’t know anything about david wright and you would like to, this article is excellent. also, watch this video and i dare you not to be charmed.
03. the title of this fic is the name of what my boyfriend has informed me is the most exciting play in the game of baseball. (thanks, honey! if only you knew.) from what i understand, it’s risky because it’s tricky to execute, but when it succeeds, it’s pretty fucking awesome.
04. many thanks to loveflyfree, courts and affectingly for being early readers and promising me that this (at least in its infancy) did not suck, and to misskatieleigh and novelized for being amazing cheerleaders. &allofyou;

Background: for those who don’t follow david cook gossip as obsessively as the author - over the last few weeks of the american idol season, there was a fan campaign to raise money to bring adam cook back to LA for the finale, because his health necessitated a special medical flight. fans raised a good chunk of money, and late in the game a ~mysterious donor~ came through with the rest of the costs. eventually it came out that the donor was david wright, who told the woman collecting the money that his younger brother was a student at virgina tech who was supposed to be in class in the building where the shootings took place. luckily, wright’s brother was unhurt, but david wright felt that he could understand the fear of losing one’s brother, and wanted to help the cook brothers be together for the finale. wright has a charity foundation, and cook performed at a fundraiser for that charity on november 12, 2008.

( "So…when you win American Idol, do they give you, like, a trophy or something?" )

author: e, char.: david wright, type: slash, type: crossover, team: new york mets, rating: nc-17

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