Title: On the Radio
cinderlilyTeam: Diamondbacks
Pairing: Conor Jackson/Eric Byrnes
Rating: PG
Summary: After the Padres series, Conor takes a detour up to visit his family with Byrnes in tow.
Author's Notes: Okay, so this is based off the fact that we got swept by the FREAKING Padres, I saw Byrnes in the dug out and I have been totally blocked for like... two weeks. Written
xcacophony who is being REALLY patient with me and my lack of Webb/Davis. Kind of random fluff, might not be that great and not betaed. So I uh... hope you like it. Also, I highly doubt that BoMel would let CoJack take the day off so this is TOTALLY fiction.
Conor fidgeted (sorry for the cross posting)