leave us wanting more and more

Aug 29, 2007 18:03

Title: Cruel Minor Change (Part the Fourth)
Author: nyychick23513
Website: writing journal is __fortunatefool or uberideefixe for joint work with panicqueen
Pairing: Tino Martinez/Mike Mussina
Rating: PG-13
Summary: And all the songs we used to sing // they used to tell us everything // all about how it was never meant to be
Disclaimer: Don't know them, not mine, never happened.
A/N: At long last, a month short of one year since I last updated this epic, another piece of the puzzle. I don't think it's as long as the previous parts, but I felt it was ready for posting--though it's kind of poor timing, considering the news about Moose. *heavy sigh* But before that news I thought it would be good timing after seeing Tino in the crowd at last night's New York/Boston game. So I guess that evens things out a little? It's been a while, so as a refresher course, refer here: Part the First, then Part the Second, and Part the Third. Many thanks as always to my beloved purplecargirl and offspeed for the beta help. Feedback is adored like a certain snarky pitcher who will forever own a piece of my heart.

( But the better days behind us now...)

(Fake-cut just to keep all comments in one place)

author: n, pairing: mussina/martinez, char.: mike mussina, rating: pg-13, type: slash, team: new york yankees, char.: tino martinez

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