Sep 07, 2007 01:27
so as an update for the last week or so. From Saturday till today i have been working pretty much every day with a minimum work day of 12 hours spanning up to 16 hours straight with a two to three hour break and then right back out again. I've found the one thing thats sure fire to make my cry though. 4 hours of sleep a night + a frustrating employee (of whom I drove to quit thank you very much) + seeing no end in sight = me frustrated and tired. when do I find the time to do other things? pretty much never. unless i can take care of them over the phone they don't get done. on the bright side though. I use way less gas and the people in davis are pretty nice for the most part. And AAA loves me. LOVES ME!!!!
things are changing pretty drastically and pretty quickly. and I love it. Its not what I had planned but none the less I'm excited/scared.