Nov 24, 2004 21:00

Waiting to get everything together to venture some 55 miles down the Parkway for the first leg of the Thanksgiving rounds. Going to spend the night with the tides at my family's shore house in Brick. It's been a few months since straddling the Mateedaconk River.. maybe I'll take the canoe out around 1AM if it isn't too windy. Then tomorrow morning heading into the heart of the Pinelands to my uncles mansion for dinner. Then traveling back up here, picking up Gina, and visintg my mother's side of the family in Bayonne. Busy traveling day, but well worth it, won't be too many more of these left...

So to recap the past 1.5 weeks. 2 Saturday's ago on the 13th my car died in the pouring rain... nothing was wrong with it, but it got towed all over the state to 3 different mechanics and none of them could figure out what was wrong with it. Justly, it works fine now, and none of the mechanics charged any money, which was nice. That Sunday, it was extremely temperate outside, I had a fire in the yard, and made alot of tea, it was mianly a lazy day, was going to make some phone calls but put everything off for the morning out of procrastination. I woke up to learn of Balance's death.

Death is never welcome, but it is all the more shocking when it is sudden, when compared to slowly wasting away on respirators and riddled with tumours in a hospital ward somewhere. I've actually seen someone die in a very similair manner, when I was about 9 at a BoyScout camp... a lifeguard tower was locked up, but the ladder was still preasent, 2 boys I did not know decided to climb it, as I watched them from on top of a rock, the second one slipped on one of the icy rungs and fell about 20 feet and cracked his head on the rocks below. He died soon after. Just terrible news. Called up Thighpaulsandra, chatted about Balance and some plans for Spring visitations. Then drove off to college... I had to go into NYC for a horrible trip to the Hayden Planetarium. Having been there so many times and seeing the same obvious displays designed for people with 0 knowledge of anything outside of there 2 room apartments is not enjoyable. Though I did spend some extra money and watch the laser show on a big IMAX screen which was deeply enjoyable because I was still a bit stoned, and snuck in my CDplayer and headphones.

Wednesday was work all day, then took Gina to the DMV to get her Russian lisence converted to an American one. She failed the test though which was quite amusing. After that things just kind of settled down with work and school... moved a few probable tons of leaves, hung out with Lord Ra as per usual. Started working on a paper concering Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and lunar symbolism. It's nearly done but I couldn't bring myself to finish it today... Friday.

This weekend hopefully there's at least 1 MO! practice, then I need to write 2 more papers sometimes before next Thursday... hoping to win a Nord Modular as well. Christmas is coming too soon. Need to pack for everything... I also hope to see Craig, Devin, & Derek sometime in that span as well, most likely for some Mongolian Grill and coffee.
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