Abruptly Cumulative

Sep 06, 2004 14:11

The area has had an eerily abrupt change in weather, not that it is bad, I just feel that is about 3 weeks too soon, regardless, I'll have to book a weekend camping excursion during peak leaf colour season once again this year.. photographs become absolutly littered with colour during that all too brief time period. Staying up till 6AM around a fire is always good too.

Yesterday was shopping with Don, making soup, and having Omar over for dinner, before Don & I headed over to the Pitchford residence for another getogether. Another great time all though a bit more subdued than normal. When I got into bed last night all I could smell was fires in the area, not a sound but silence could be heard. Most of the bugs probably died about 3 days ago with the chill, splashed of red are dotting the edges and tips of many tree limbs, wonderful. I had some interesting dreams, one involved my father returning home from a trip to the shore with 270 crabs.. the other involved sort of watching the symbiotic development of language and culture, and how languages branch(ed) off from one another, showcasing the rootwords and similarities between them. I could only describe my viewpoint during this period as being very removed, and almost in the 3rd person. What language or culture I was watching I can't say, but there were plenty of farms and primitive looking animals.

I also had a dream about a track I had started about 2 and a half months ago. It was about 13 mins in length, and I was never really satisfied with the overall sound of it... the mood, tone, and feeling of everything just seemed too off. Anyway, during my sleep I must have had some sort of inner resolution about what to do with it because when I woke up, almost without thinking I editied 4 mins out of the center of the, pitch shifted the whole track down 15 semitones, and redited the ending... sounds absolutly perfect now, and clocks in at 31 minutes. The title is "The Sounds of Moss Sprouting" ... to me it creates a very lonely, barren, desolate and Earthy feeling, like being lost under a dense canopy of pine trees in Scandinavia, eating mushrooms and staring at bold rock faces, waiting for moss to grow before your eyes, as if reality was time lapse photography.

School starts up again for serious tomorrow, none of my classes seem too bad... nothing should be difficult, just extremely boring. Sans Astronomy and Radio Broadcasting, which I haven't taken yet, and won't until next Monday. This semester as a whole shouldn't be too bad... after this though I really need to get my ass in gear and see what I want to do, I'm probably going to apply to NYU and Rutgers, both for totally unrealated career paths. Tonight I need to send some emails out, need to see if I can make a trip to Wales sometime in January.
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