Of interest:
Petition to ban the implementation of Sharia in Canada:
http://www.petitiononline.com/pasc1361/petition.html Jihad "supreme duty of a Muslim":
Shujaat Husaain, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, has distinguished jihad from terrorism. Unfortunately, the same thing I said before still holds true: the explosions caused by jihad are often quite difficult to distinguish from those caused by terrorism. That is underscored by the fact that Husaain considers the Kashmir struggle to be jihad, not terrorism. Once a conflict is labeled a jihad, all manner of mayhem is justified. From ANI:
Pakistan Prime Minister Shujaat Hussain has said that Jihad is different from terrorism in as much as the former is a supreme duty of a Muslim, and the latter a crime.
"There is a great difference between the two, but Jihad cannot be declared as terrorism," The News quoted Hussain as saying.
Pakistan has often said that what is going in Jammu and Kashmir is a Jihad and not terrorism. Claiming that Kashmiris had launched a struggle for freedom, Islamabad has maintained that it is merely supporting their struggle.
'Jihad' magazine for women on web:
http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/2004/08/002960print.html One of its encouragements to jihad reads: "The blood of our husbands and the body parts of our children are our sacrificial offering."
Historic site in Iran turned into garbage dump, official complains:
In Islamic thought, the pre-Islamic period of any Muslim nation's history is known as jahiliya: the pre-Islamic time of ignorance. Nothing that was any part of it has any value. This has resulted in incalculable losses to mankind's cultural heritage.
Sounds remarkably similiar to the destruction of the centuries old buddhist statues in Afghanistan a few years back.. who were the culprits that time?