Apr 08, 2005 13:26
i know i haven't updated for a long time, not much to say tho. sean's all love watever u wanna call it, and it makes me realize that i really haven't liked sumbody since winter break... which is kinda odd... so it just feels really weird. and of course i had a few crushes since then, they weren't big enuff for me to actually think of askin sumbody out or nething. so my life is getting duller by the second, i just want sumthing exciting to happen! just sumthing! i don't care wat! just sumthing! idk if this is leading to depression, or wat... altho it wudn't be too much to be depressed about, but just, i always feel down, always tired, always just like fuck u, even if u can't tell, i only really smile and wat not when im with my friends at school. so yeah... im gonna go, i just hope my life gets better...