Nov 15, 2007 12:45
Its the end of the world as wii know it. Yes thats right. I used wii, instead of we. I'm original. Pfft.
I really have nothing to say. This is just so that one day in the future when i read through all of this, i will remember how bored i was at work here in the IBM.
Here comes the revolution! That would have been such a better name for the wii in my opinion. Even though it wasn't a revolution as much as it was a console with a gimmick. Yes it sold well, but alot of the games for it are really boring and repetative. The only one i know of thats any good is zelda. And thats because it's one of the only games on the system thats fun to play by yourself. Most of the games on it are designed to be for multiplayer.
Xbox 360- speaks for itself with the number of problems its had with systems dying. As well as the fact that most of the games on it seem to be first person shooters. Which not everyone likes. And they are better as PC games anyway. Although it does have the most variaty of games at the moment.
PS3- The system itself is sound. The 60gb anyway. They just fucked themselves with the 40gb. Well not really if people are keeping their PS2's. The only real draw back in my opinion is the lack of games. Which will hopefully be remidied on the next year. So i can buy one.
Yes i came here with nothing to say and had a bitch about how all the systems suck in some way or another. Man i'm so bored.
Away to slay a dragon. Then the hard part. Explaining where the dragon came from. Could always use marvels diffferent planet/dimension explination.