(no subject)

Jul 16, 2008 00:01

“Do you hear it?” her voice was breathy in Danni’s ear. Danni was silent in reply, squishing the headphones deeper into her ears. Then again, she was the only one who could hear the poor girl. She’d have to answer her sooner or later.

“No,” she finally responded, slowly. Macy blinked, pausing the audio clip with the click of a mouse. The laptop screen stayed frozen at that one point in the fuzzy audio that was buzzing into Danni’s ears. The two girls sat at the foot of Danni’s bed, Danni lying on her stomach and Macy sitting cross-legged beside the computer.

“Huh?” asked Macy, and then a second later, “ooh, she’s talking to you?”

The older woman who was sitting on the other side of Danni glared over at Macy. “Is she always so inconsiderate?”

“Unfortunately,” muttered Danni, at which the woman smiled and Macy frowned.

“Hey, you can include me in this, you know.”

“She just asked if I heard it, okay? So keep playing.” Danni’s temper was nearing that moment when it snapped and the quiet demeanour was replaced with a vicious temper. It didn’t happen often, only when ghosts badgered her on one side and humans on the other.

A seventeen-year-old girl could only put up with so much, you know?

“Yea, yea,” sighed Macy, clicking the ‘play’ button again. Silence descended as Danni concentrated on the audio. Nothing much, just fuzz, filtered noises that could easily have been picked up from outside, across the house… anything, really. Boring. The usual. So why was the ghost woman so adamant on Danni listening to every EVP the team took in the house? This was the third one and so far, nothing.

“Look, I don’t-” she began, but she stopped short at what she heard on the tape. Frantically she ripped the headphones off, dropping them on the floor and standing up hurriedly, taking several stumbled steps backward. Macy gave her a perplexed look at the same time the woman stood up, looking perfectly normal except for the fact she was extremely pale, and her eyes were completely black. But Danni was used to all that.

Not to what she had just heard.

“You heard it, didn’t you?” the woman cried, looking ecstatic. “Good, so your little gang here can help me out, right?”

Macy stood up as well, and Danni ran a hand nervously through her bob haircut she had recently got. A new start, she had decided. A different thing.

“What’s up?” asked Macy at the same time the ghost continued to pester her with, “Right? Right?”

“Macy,” Danni finally said, ignoring the woman who glared at her angrily. “Get the guys.” She ran a finger down her nose, a trait she had taken from her father, something she did when she was thinking. “This is something the whole team needs to work on, I think.”

“Roger,” Macy said, giving her a little salute as she whipped out her cell phone. And still, the ghost smirked smugly at Danni.

“Told you, didn’t I?” she said. Danni frowned at her.

“Oh, shut up, would you?” she muttered, exhausted with the effort of dealing with the woman. “Just leave me in peace.”

With a little ‘harumph’, the woman turned around on her 50’s high heels and stormed out of the room, but not before swinging one of Danni’s photo’s off the wall for good measure.
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