More books to sell.

May 28, 2009 20:44

So, my situation here is getting worse (don't ask, it's a long story and thinking about it for any length of time makes me depressed as hell; I'm actually posting this through an unsecured connection).

As of this moment, I have to eat (everything else is taken care of and noodles ramen just aren't as good the 37th time around), and I have to get some stuff for my pets.

I've got 3 books this time if anyone is interested (or if you know anyone who may be interested).

These are all numbered editions, fine in fine dustjackets (dust jackets are covered as well). I'm offering them for a little more than half of what you'll find a copy goes for, on average, using bookfinder:

John Crowley - In Other Words, $35
Lucius Shepard - Trujillo, $30
Zoran Zivkovic - Impossible Stories, $35

I'm also selling off a lot of my rare chick tracts here and there. I've got a few up for auction, and it looks like some of them won't sell (among them, a copy of the infamous "Lisa"). If anyone is interested in the books or the tracts, send me a PM.
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