Like I said before, when October ended the Toyin' Around Campaign was just about done too. I think I was also a little burnt out from running a game so long with so much set up; picking out toys for them to fight, setting up the scenes for them to role play in, calculating combat- I was fried. A nice, low-key pen & paper RPG would be a good break for me. Now that I think of it...this was probably why I had no problem with them being in the attic: less for me to set up and break down.
When the Insiders were exploring the Swamp Zone in search of Castle Grayskull, that is when they were at their best. But, when the time came to find the missing Blue Berret and his that point I just think none of us had it in us for another huge quest like that. Remember: I taught myself how to be a game master, so my experience was limited to what I saw other game masters do. I kinda just fudged a lot and made it work, flew by the seat of my pants with a vague outline of what was going to happen to the players each week.
Commentary under the photos.
This whole exchange between Py-Roh, Donny & Jack O. Lantern was lost to time, I'm just add-libbing how I think the exchange went down with some clever edits to help string all the images together. Ol' Jackie here is made with all Xevoz parts, using Skull Jack, Iron Spectre, Dune Stinger, Hemo Goblin, Razorclaw, Grim Skull & "Surfer Guy" parts with a Quickslinger coat tossed in for good measure. This character reaccurs one more time, in the October 2006 "Halloween That Wasn't" game session the following year. If I'm not mistaken, there is a direct nod to this very game session in that comic, so it's cool to finally show off Jack's first appearence....especially seeing the Halloween story debuted him there AFTER his original appearence...*ehem* Moving on...
I think this shot was originally just there as a cool "HEY! I'm Jack O. Lantern! TAKE MY PICTURE!! XD" type of shot. Still, it is a good shot so I tacked it into this to help provide the set up for this next big boy....
Many of you may not know this, but I am a stupidly huge fan of Hasbro's 1986 Inhumanoids cartoon and toy line. I loved the show as a kid, loved the toys but due to expense my parents never got me any of the 3 Inhumanoids which made play time a little one-sided. Thankfully, when I became a collector I was able to track down samples that had never been opened before of both Tendril and D. Compose. Fast forward a few years and I KNEW I had to toss one of those giants into the toy game for the players to go "...holy @#$%^." about. D. Compose lurked in the background for a while, and my idea was that since all 3 of the Inhumanoids are essentially gods, there is never more then one of each of them (that's 1 Metlar, 1 D. Compose & 1 Tendril) animated at any given time. That being said, each Inhumanoid cannot be destoryed but they each have vulnerabilities that negate them or paralyze them. I don't know if the group knew of D. Compose's vulnerability to amber or that sunlight hurts him....but more on that in the next photo...
That skeleton figure was from some knock-off of a knock-off of MotU but I saw it MOC at a nerby comic store for like $5 and had to have it. The other figure is Skulkur from the Hasbro "Conan the Adventurer" toy line and that guy fits right at home with D. Compose and the Earth Corps, especially seeing as humans tend to turn into giants after being decomposed by that walking nightmare.
The combat session, like the text in the photos says was lost to time and must've happened really quick without much rolling if memory serves. It was getting on to 4am and I think we were all fried. Shame too, D. Compose would have creamed them (except for Py-Roh) leading them to luck out big time.
This was the largest skeleton I owned at the time but it was reeeally flat. Since it was gigantic, I just made it extra dopey and it mopped the floor with it's own teamates ending combat for everyone.
These last two pictures are out of order chronologically, but I did so to help wrap up this game session's story better then I did 11 years ago.
Amanda had been playing as only Donny for a veeeery long time, easily since 2004 and off and on into 2005. She started off as a 2003 Era TMNT Donatello figure, then became a junkyard armor version, a mediveal knight version and finally this. So, she had a great run on this character for sure. Next game session (November 2nd) Donny would not be there and instead a Stikfas Fairy named "Pixie" would become Amanda's new character. Funny thing is, we only played 2 more Toyin' Around Game sessions so she had only a brief time to play as someone new. This would actually get folded into the overall lore and backstory to Toyin' Around and Donny would come back years later after all this crap was said and done.
And...with this post finished that means one thing....
The October 2005 game session photos are ALL UP ON LIVEJOURNAL! Hooray!!! Thank GOD that's done and over with! Such a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and it feels really great to finally show the 2005 group's story in "print".
Now I just have the last two sessions of the 2005 Era of Toyin' Around, namely the November 2nd and 9th game sessions and then we're all done with this chunk of Toyin' Around History. T
The Halloween That Almost Wasn't photo comic is the next massive undertaking, but I need to seriously look through all the photos and see what is usable, and what is just garbage. BUT more on that later...
Check back here soon to see those last 2 days, each should be just one single live journal entry as they have between 12 and 20 pictures each and stretching them out to multiple parts is just silly.
Completing these stores have been a long time in the making, let's go finish them up. 8-)