
Aug 27, 2007 15:41

Oh Villanova. I did not miss you. Okay, maybe I missed some intellectual growth and stimulation, but not THIS much. I seem to have a lot of estrogen in my schedule, both with professors and fellow students. I have the same professor for Ways of Reading as I did for American Novel last semester in the fall...normally I hate that (I'm a person who enjoys burning bridges quite triumphantly upon desertion), but this bitch was okay. That class comes tomorrow.

Journalism. Nice for an old broad. She had no problem with me not being in class on Sept. 7th or Nov. 9th (which is an automatic A -- I need to exercise my rights to freedom). Apparently I have to read the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today before every single class. I normally read the journal and have NYT on syndication, but now I have to actually GO SOMEWHERE and purchase these papers. I also have to watch Shattered Glass before the midterm. Who puts a movie on a test??? Oh well, Hayden Christensen. :D

Modern East Asia. It's history. What the fuck can I say more than that? The professor reminds me of Drew Barrymore entirely. I already had to reschedule a map test on the 7th for the 5th. I hate/fail at geography, but I DO have a fantastic and photographic memory, so I'll be fine. There will only be two this semester, which is lucky. I also have to write a huge biography on some historical figure in either Chinese, Japanese or Korean history. I want Mao Zedong (yay communism) and *narrows eyes* I get what I want. I didn't appreciate "the name game" for introductory purposes. I do not nor will not care enough to ever know these people's names.

Environmental Ethics. I got a hippie professor! FINALLY. She's balls deep (lol) in activism for a plethora of causes and she's in a domestic partnership with a conservationist who's currently saving the rainforest in the Amazon. We get to read a work of fiction, which is kick-ass in a philosophy class. I will miss the typical philosophical discussions of thought and principles of reasoning, but I'm open to new things. As long as I don't have to actually go out in nature and "bond" with the trees, I'll be happy. I'm not the outdoorsy type. I'll camp and hike with someone, but I have to REALLY like you to do it. Really. Anyway, the class is small for the amount of students, it's hot and smells like the after effects of a frat party.

James Joyce. Definitely going to be one of my favorite classes. Sure, there will be an enormous amount of reading (Ulysses alone is 800+ pages), but the professor is amazing and I will be allowed to have my laptop open and running...for note-taking of course. Joyce has always been one to over-analyze and over-complicate issues, so reading a book about a single day does not sound entirely too appealing. I remember reading The Hours and wanting to down a cyanide pill. However, I do so love to take apart established and budding literature, so I'm up for the challenge. Makes me reminiscent of my days working with T.S. Eliot and Descartes. *sigh* The only problem with Dr. Murphy is he rambles. Reading a poem that was 20 lines never took so long in my life. Every fucking line would spark his memory of some random story that happened to him or a friend or a family member. Then that story reminded him of another story and so on until we're just glaring at him to get back on topic. Thank fuck he's funny or I'd have to tranq him every class period.

So clearly I'm just procrastinating from doing homework by telling you all this.
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