Apr 14, 2006 13:14
FINALLY spring break! Kicked it off so mellow - well, first, killer track practice for the hurdlers, hit home showered and what have you, then met up with Jules. We tried to have a barbeque, but somewhere in the Whole Foods vicinity our precious $20 fell out of Jules's pocket and we finally got to the cash register with Challah rolls (in order to celebrate Passover), Mexican mangoes, chips and some sort of green salsa but no money to pay for the stuff. We scoured the store, but a twenty can't last very long on the ground all alone without someone picking it up. Hopefully the person that found it really needed some cash. Anyway, we got back and grilled veggie burgers from the fridge, paired them with sweet tea and honeydew melon, and sat out on the porch reading Jules's books and talked with her crazy brother Timmy and her dad.
Nick and a bunch of neighborhood kids played outside with this bullhorn that also made a really loud police siren sound and that was funny as hell when they'd play it behind cars driving down the street.
We went to Nottoway to walk around and kick a soccer ball in our bare feet and chill on the swings, it was so nice outside and the air was soft.
We came back and read and watched Saw 2 with Nick and I don't think I like scary movies. Well, first of all the Jigsaw character isn't as clever as he thinks he is, it was pretty easy to guess what was going to happen. It makes me not scared but sad to watch those people die and that's what happened when I watched The Hills Have Eyes, I was just really sad afterwards. Hm. But I do like scary movies sometimes. I don't understand.
I haven't slept til 11 in so long.
Today is Good Friday and tomorrow is Holy Saturday and at the Easter Vigil Natasha the Assistant Editorials Editor is getting baptized/confirmed, so hopefully I can get off work early is not I'll just go afterwards because it goes til midnight. Mormon to Catholic! Quite a move.