Title: fists full of glitter
Author: seemslikeaporno
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Louis
Rating: R
Warnings: Underage (Harry is 17, Louis is 12), sexual content (hand jobs), mild dub-con.
Summary: “I don’t really, er. Have anyone to worry,” Louis says, voice small, “I - I’d feel safer here. With you.” He speaks so quietly that Harry seems to be
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when i first saw this i was so excited because i remembered reading this prompt and praying for someone to fill it all night long
and then i became even more excited because it's, like, you and everything you write is beautiful so i started reading it and all the emotions everywhere and ugly crying and choking up and lighting myself on fire because it's so PERFECT and you don't even know ugh all the fluff and the awkwardness and characterizations and how louis was so excited all the time and harry being a duo dad and a boyfriend at the same time oh my god help me??? and all the references to glitter sliding off louis' wings everytime he gets excited or upset, i can seriously see it happening and it's so nice and wonderful ugh thank you for writing this
it was super super beautiful and i don't think i've ever read anything so fluffy and adorable in my life and nothing i ever read henceforth will ever live up to this so congrats on reaching perfection on a literary level ok bless
(also i've been meaning to ask you do you have like a twitter account lol)
i doNT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO THIS I'M JUST SO FLATTERED AND YOU'RE WAY TOO NICE OMG i just really adore you oh man *u* *u* *u* thank you for boosting my self-esteem three million points you are sO SWEET dSjfdsklf!!!!
(i do~ it's not v interesting it's literally me with all my problems)
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