Don't you think it would have been worth them telling you what form of HD they ment? After all, if it's an HD-DVD, and the ONLY way you can get what you want out of it is to own a Blue Ray disc player, or an HD DVD tv, don't you think that's worth including in the advertisement? Otherwise people will purchase this product only to discover that they are getting nothing out of it.
Also, if this is an HD version that you need an HD tv to see the true difference (and not a mockery), then why the hell have a 'before' and 'after' image. This will prove nothing whatsoever about the quality difference. It will only show you a slightly altered image. And if it was the true 'hd' image they were advertising onto your non-hd tv screen in the actual lines of information, it should have looked totally fucked on your tv screen, as it wouldn't have been able to show you what it needed to. I.E. what they are showing you is a LIE. What they are trying to show you is 'look, this is so much better!', that's not what it will look like.
An advertisement like this should only be shown on showcase HD tvs in retail stores. Or in the disney store. Not on my dvd... oh, and btw, I can't even skip past these ads to the main menu thank you very much. I think that they are taking the mick.
If they are going to tell me why, technically, something is superior, they should tell me right, and not just use big advertising savy words to further confuse me. They should tell WHY EXACTLY it is worth me buying a several thousand dollar tv, a several hundred dollar dvd player, and 30 dollar disc to watch a new version of Sleeping Beauty. If they are taking up five minutes of my time, which I dont even WANT taken, they then should tell me what they did to the original to make it worth while. There were some SERIOUS problems with this ad. And I'm not willing to chuck out that much money with out further knowledge. I'm just not that easy a sell.
Also, if this is an HD version that you need an HD tv to see the true difference (and not a mockery), then why the hell have a 'before' and 'after' image. This will prove nothing whatsoever about the quality difference. It will only show you a slightly altered image. And if it was the true 'hd' image they were advertising onto your non-hd tv screen in the actual lines of information, it should have looked totally fucked on your tv screen, as it wouldn't have been able to show you what it needed to. I.E. what they are showing you is a LIE. What they are trying to show you is 'look, this is so much better!', that's not what it will look like.
An advertisement like this should only be shown on showcase HD tvs in retail stores. Or in the disney store. Not on my dvd... oh, and btw, I can't even skip past these ads to the main menu thank you very much. I think that they are taking the mick.
If they are going to tell me why, technically, something is superior, they should tell me right, and not just use big advertising savy words to further confuse me. They should tell WHY EXACTLY it is worth me buying a several thousand dollar tv, a several hundred dollar dvd player, and 30 dollar disc to watch a new version of Sleeping Beauty. If they are taking up five minutes of my time, which I dont even WANT taken, they then should tell me what they did to the original to make it worth while. There were some SERIOUS problems with this ad. And I'm not willing to chuck out that much money with out further knowledge. I'm just not that easy a sell.
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