I live once more

Mar 21, 2005 20:14

Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Okay, I haven't updated in a while, but that's because my computer is a bitch when it comes to updating Livejournal things. Excuses, excuses... I know. Fuck it.

Anyway, things in London is going well. Well, not my monetary situation, but otherwise, good. I am working on Blue Peter, this really cool and groovy BBC program that has been running for nearly fifty years. Take THAT, East St. Louis. Sorry... I had to get my Simpsons reference of the day in. Anyway, its a children-tween variety show, where presenters do live shows on Monday-Tuesday, then go out on excursions to film for crazy stuff for the next week. Australia, Nepal, Malta, etc. In otherwords, awesomeness.

I am not doing anything of THAT nature, BUT i am doing other cool things. Making and testing various crazy games for children (just today I made twenty hats that children will put jelly into and attempt to hang on and not get messy while riding a roller coaster... SCORE!), doing errands, talking to producers, making copies, holding booms, moving equipment, and doing really fun stuff.

Its nice because even though I am not getting paid, this is still the best job I have ever had. When I was a janitor, or a filer, or an assistant, I wasn't actually DOING anything. Things would still be messy the next day, and I would go through the motions like a chimpanzee who's been drugged a tad bit too high for his own good. But NOW, I get to see the fruits of my labor on screen! There is a goal to be achieved! People depend upon me to do a job! I am happy! HUZZAH! And I have a great reference as well.

Elsewhere, I am getting REALLY exhausted all the time, and have very little money for food/other essential items. I am down to cutting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in half, so I can have one for lunch and one for dinner. Oh, the wonders of being a college student and unemployed...

But, its all in a days work. To be fair, when I go out with the crew, they always buy me drinks, so I get to get drunk one day of the week without having to pay for it. I am grateful for little blessings, oh yes.

But that is it, for now. Don't worry. Rambling, semi-coherent philosophical/political postings shall be up in the future. Don't get your knickers in a bunch. Until then, chaps! Cheerio!
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