Jul 27, 2006 10:23
it's a slow morning at work so i think i can afford a quick update.
i'm mostly settled into the new apartment. i'm still waiting on the internet, and am in the middle of an ongoing battle with verizon.
whenever i talk to people i realize that i don't really have any news. the excitement of moving in has passed and i have slipped into a somewhat regular routine: work, dinner, various activities that don't include going to the beach (i miss the beach), sleep early. it sounds depressing, but it's not really. i am enjoying life down here a lot -- i love it, actually. i just don't have anything exciting to share.
i am taking french classes. that's something. and i've been trying to keep up with a rigorous reading schedule. and i... i don't know.
and joyce is visiting this weekend! we're gonna do everything. it's gonna be great. of montreal concert saturday night, the zoo, some museums, georgetown. yeah!
anyhow, chances are i haven't heard from you/talked to you in a while. comment! and then come visit, eh? eh, just comment.