after coming home from chicago a mere day ago, i have had time to digest everything once and twice over. never before have i had such a great time with mainly complete strangers. i will never forget any of it, or anyone. i hope to keep in touch with everyone.
this experience has changed my life in so many ways. i have a new outlook on alot of things, both good and bad. im still contemplating alot of it, tho. im almost scared to go back into the reality of it all. my family, my boyfriend, school, etc. but thats not what ldz is about. shit man, if anything, they would want us to go out there and fucking speak our minds. things will be harder now. things with me and him will take time. should i just bail now? and only have those memories to look back upon? or should i stick it thru, like i have for the past year or so? im only 16, and i want to have fun. i dont want to seem selfish. but i feel tied down almost. was everything a lie, a facade? i hope not, i pray not. so until i feel like ive gone over it with a fine-toothed comb five times, i dont know what to say or promise.
but all i can say is that ldz, and everyone there, was byetchin.
"thats cool, thats cool, whatever" getting kinda old now, tho. but fuck, who didnt love the SOS? who didnt love aaron? we love the SOS, we love aaron!
those days that went from 7-3 am kicked ass! im still catching up on that sleep, but twas great...
*crazy byetch*
ME WANT HONEYCOMBS!!! pobre salamanca...
those, those fireworks were beautiful. lonely, but yet so crowded. but damn, it was cold! those caucuses kept us all warm...
and just to clarify things, i HATE community showers. unless it was a shower party, haha. silly boys...
ultimate frisbee. hACUNAmatata knew how to play that one in his short shorts and gleaming smile. and frow-boy, i mean, corn row guy, i mean, daniel f...dyamn...
that day when we went on the outside was byetchin. boys in girl jeans look DAMN hot. and boys in eyeliner too...
fuckin hOUse. we were nothin but rejects, if u think about it...
fuckin nhi and their no sex policy...and their contrary actions. do as i say, not as i do...
pobre benja with his shoulder. he still looked all pimp with that brace tho...
so many pimpin guys man...
*fat bitch roar* get in you fuckin room now!!!...
one hella bitchin talent show with a few hella good singers...
my eriKACA, my tamale, my honorary texan, and everyone else...
i could seriously go on forever...
ill post pics as soon as i can. until then...
pimps on top.
*o, and i shot off fireworks with holly, jarrod, and clemen for the fourth...those boys are alot of fun...