A week into my 3 week Xmas holidays I got a cold. That wouldnt go away, but luckily this time it didn't end up being bronchitis and the Cough That Wouldn't Go Away.
This time it was a chest infection that lingered for 5 weeks and still getting rid of the final dregs of it.
This week I had my very last wisdom tooth out, it was scheduled for my holidays but couldn't due to the cold. Today my face is localised achy rather than half my face extremely sore and a wicked headache for two days.
Next week I have my first mammogram - already been rescheduled twice due to health issues.
In the last three weeks I have worked only one full one and due to holidays, short weeks and other things it will be late Feb before I begin normal 5 day weeks again!
Good news is one interruption is a 4 day trip to Hamilton Island for a vendor junket which will hopefully be lovely :)
Kitten also healed up the cut on his leg nicely and with no dramas
Oh and I upgraded my C: to SSD but the image wouldnt stick so I reinstalled windows and accidentally wiped my backups on D as well. Lost the last 15 years of email history and my itunes libraries among the most annoying things.
Slowly rebuilding everything back but on a 5 year old machine a complete clean refresh probably isnt a bad thing but STRESS!
Anyway a pretty picture using my new photoshop skills to brighten your day :)